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The Virtual Companion

What is the Virtual Companion? How can my corps members receive the Virtual Companion?

Jonas Kane avatar
Written by Jonas Kane
Updated over a week ago

What is the Virtual Companion?

“The Virtual Companion” is a free offering where every service year corps member serving in a position on receives tailored email messages throughout their service year with content adapted to best support them based on where they are in their service year journey.

How does the Virtual Companion Work?

In order to participate in The Virtual Companion, your service year program needs to enroll the corps members you recruit through and invite your other corps members to join. The Virtual Companion system will then use your service year corps members’ start and end dates to divide their service year into quarters, ensuring that they are receiving the right content throughout their year directly to their inbox. Service year corps members will receive around one message every other week throughout their year with helpful resources and reminders to keep them on track

What content do The Virtual Companion messages cover?

Your service year corps members will receive messages that fall under the general topics outlined below. For a complete list of messages, please read our resource hub article. 

  • Pre-Service: PREPARE TO SERVE

  • Quarter 1: START OFF RIGHT



  • Quarter 4: WRAP UP WELL

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