FAQs on service years
Considering a service year? Check out these articles to learn all the basics.
Finding and applying for service years
Ready to serve? Learn how to find and apply for service year opportunities.
Organizations: Eligibility and deciding to join ServiceYear.org
Determine if ServiceYear.org is a good fit for your organization
Organizations: Completing your initial setup
Learn how to get started as a host organization.
Organizations: Recruiting on ServiceYear.org
How does my organization use ServiceYear.org for recruitment?
Organizations: Corps member enrollment and management
Enrolling your corps members - whether you recruited them through ServiceYear.org or off-platform - gives them access to the resources and benefits, including The Virtual Companion and more.
Technical Support FAQs
Check this section for information on password resets and any other technical details and settings
Corps Members and Alums
Already serving or a service year alum? Learn how to refer friends and access resources.