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Exiting your service year corps members

How to exit service year corps members who have finished serving

Jonas Kane avatar
Written by Jonas Kane
Updated over a week ago

At the end of their service year, you can exit your service year corps members. This will appropriately update their status on their profiles. Service year corps members who successfully completed a service year will also be eligible to download a Certificate of Completion.

How to exit corps members:

  • Go to the "Enrolled" tab in the "Corps Member" section of your organization dashboard

  • Click on the corps member's card

  • Click "View Details" next to their position name

  • Select "Edit" next to "Corps Member Status," and select an appropriate exit reason. You also have the option to add an internal note when completing this step.

Once you exit a corps member, they'll appear in the "Exited" tab on your Corps Member dashboard. You'll be able to access certificates for corps members who successfully completed service at any time. 

Need to change a service year corps member's status after exiting them?

  • Go to the "Exited" tab in the "Corps Member" section of your organization dashboard

  • Click on the corps member's card

  • Click "View Details" next to their position name

  • Select "Edit" next to "Corps Member Status,"  and select an appropriate exit reason. You also have the option to add an internal note when completing this step.

Printing a Certificate of Completion for your corps members:

You can print a Certificate of Completion for all corps members that you have exited with the status "Successfully completed service year." To access your corps members' certificates:

  • Go to the "Exited" tab in the "Corps Member" section of your organization dashboard

  • Click on the corps member's card

  • Click "View Details" next to their position name

On the Details page, you'll see a button for "Download Service Certificate" that you can click to print your corps members certificates. 

Your corps members will also have access to login and view/print their certificates via their personal dashboards. 

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