Positions describe your program model for hosting one or more service year corps members. Every organization looking to recruit on ServiceYear.org must add and submit at least one position, and have it approved for certification prior to becoming public and getting set up for recruitment.
In many instances, you'll likely only be adding one position, even if you will be recruiting for multiple corps members. You can use your position to describe an overall program (including a VISTA project) and will have the option to then decide what makes the most sense for recruitment — one listing, or multiple (e.g. if you want separate listings based on locations or sites). Additionally, as recruitment is broken out into a separate step, you will not be including information such as start/end date, recruitment window, or locations where you're recruiting. You'll have a chance to add all of that information after you're certified.
You can add a new position by going to the "Positions" tab in your dashboard.
As you are filling out your position forms, be on the lookout for these indicators, which will help you learn more about each field:
1. Locked: This symbol indicates that a field will not be editable post-certification. In order to edit one of these fields post-certification, you'll need to reach out to our team.
2. Private: The answer to this question is for ServiceYear.org's use only, and will not display publicly.
3. Hover text: Hover over this symbol to receive additional guidance on answering a question.
Position Sections:
Here are some additional details about each section you'll complete when adding a position:
1. Position Details:
This gives an overview of your position model and contains many of the fields that will appear on your public page: the community needs addressed and intended outcomes, service activities, type of service, and service environment.
You'll also indicate in this section if this is an AmeriCorps position. We recommend filling this section out first, since when if you check that it will be an AmeriCorps position, some fields will become optional in later sections.
2. Terms of Service:
Goes into information on the corps member terms and benefits. You'll add how many months the positions lasts, the range of monthly living allowance corps members will receive (if adding multiple listings, you'll be able to edit the range there), benefits, whether or not corps members start at the same time, and placement type (on a team or individual)
3. Supervision & Mentoring:
Covers questions relating to the supervision and mentoring of corps members. All questions on this page are for ServiceYear.org’s purposes only and help us get a better sense of how corps members will be supervised and supported during the course of their service year.
This entire section is optional for AmeriCorps positions.
4. Education:
Goes into the training and skills corps members can expect to develop over the course of the service year. These questions include whether the position will help them attain any educational degrees, competencies they can expect to develop, and some of the primary skills corps members can expect to gain. You will also describe your approach to training corps members during their service year.
5. Other:
This section covers the remaining questions, which include a cover photo and card photo for the position. This section also contains questions on how you will strengthen civic ties among corps members, your approach for safety measures, and regulations you must agree to. There are also optional questions relating to corps member recruitment (which you'll also be able to add and edit on listings).
6. Review & Submit:
You'll have a chance to review the information you added. This includes being able to preview how public-facing fields will look. When you are ready, you can hit the "Submit" button to send your position to our team for certification. If there are any required fields in your position or organization profile that are incomplete, we'll give you a heads-up to double-check those. Otherwise, you'll receive a notification when we have completed our certification review.