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Adding testimonials to your organization profile

Feature quotes and stories from your service year corps members and alums

Jonas Kane avatar
Written by Jonas Kane
Updated over a week ago

Note: This is a beta feature that has not yet been extended to all host organizations. Please send us a note if you’re interested in trying this feature out, and share any feedback you have with our team!

You can share one or more testimonials from your service year corps members and alums on your organization profile. This is a great way to let people learn about your program from their firsthand experiences. You can highlight quotes, photos, and videos of your corps members.

How it Works: 

1. Create a Headline: To add testimonials to your organization profile, follow the  “Profile Features” link when editing your profile, and click the link to edit your “Testimonial Carousel”

Once there, add a “Headline” so that you have a title for this section of your profile. We recommend using something like “Learn what it’s like to serve with [INSERT YOUR ORGANIZATION NAME]. You also have the option to add a subheadline and description. 

2. Add the Testimonial: When creating a new testimonial, you'll add:

  • The name of your service year corps member/alum

  • Their position title

  • Their story/quote

  • An avatar and image. You can use the same photo or different ones for your avatar and image. You'll be able to crop the avatar photo to use a smaller headshot. Additionally, if you have a video of your corps member/alum that you'd like to highlight, you can include a YouTube link. 

  • If you’ve enrolled your service corps member, you’ll also be able to add a link to their profile in the “Personal Profile Link URL” field. 

Once you’ve saved your testimonial, you’ll be able to view it on your profile and preview it in the “Profile Features” tab. 

3. Adding additional testimonials: You can add additional testimonials, which will form a carousel in this section of your organization profile. If adding additional testimonials, just make sure to number them in the “Order in Carousel” field in the order you’d like them to show up (starting with "0," then "1" for your second testimonial). 

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